Search Results | transplant rejection

Your search for "transplant rejection" returned 32 results

How Face Transplants Work

A face transplant may be difficult to imagine, but doctors can now transplant part, or all, of a face from a donor. Read about the face transplant.

How Organ Transplants Work

Today, most organ transplants are relatively safe procedures. Learn about living and cadaverous organ donors and how organs are matched to recipients.

Cornea Transplant Surgery and Risks

Cornea transplant surgery is one of the successful types of transplant surgery. Learn about cornea transplant surgery and its risks.

Could we clone our organs to be used in a transplant?

Cloned organ transplants might seem impossible, but researchers are working on it. Learn how cloned organ transplants might help those who need donors.

Can your lungs regenerate?

Can your lungs regenerate? Visit HowStuffWorks to learn if lungs can regenerate.

Why do men smell different from women?

Why do men smell different from women? Visit Discovery Health to learn why men smell different from women.

How Lab-grown Skin Works

Lab-grown skin can improve the survival odds of someone with a serious third-degree burn. See how lab-grown skin is made and how it works.

What are the future limits of replacement parts for the human body?

There are replacement parts for the human body being developed every day. Find out if there are limits to replacement parts for the human body.

How Organ Donation Works

Organ donation is a medical marvel. Read about organ transplants and find out what it's like to donate an organ.

How Much Do You Remember About "Steel Magnolias"?

"Steel Magnolias" is a timeless classic for mothers and daughters. It is the true story written by Robert Harling as a devotion to his sister's memory. Grab a tissue because this "Steel Magnolias" quiz might bring a tear to your eye.

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